Build Custom App
This step demonstrates step by step process of how you can build custom app in ixHello that integrates with Salesforce. We'll demonstrate how we can extract contact information from Salesforce account in ixHello.
Make sure that you've covered all steps of pre-requisites.
Create a custom app. Use name of your convenience and use Default as the category.
Create a data source. Here, make sure to use the integration connection with Salesforce that you created in the previous step.
Now, on the method screen, let's create a method that gets contact information from Salesforce.
On the Method tab, click on Add New Method and fill in following details.
Method Inputs
Method Inputs
Method Name
Parameters: SOQLQuery
SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName,Phone FROM Contact WHERE FirstName='{{ContactName}}'
Method Output
Method Result
Method Result
Record JsonPath
Valid Result Template
{{Records}} How else can I help you?
Record Template
You can contact {{FirstName}}-{{LastName}} on {{Phone}}
Empty Result Template
How else can I help you?
Automatically prompt for next question
Click on Save and Test. It saves the method as well as allows you to test if the method is working correctly.
To test this method, you can provide the first name of the contact you created in Salesforce in previous step.
Provide the parameter contact name. Then, click on Method Test, if the provided name exists in Salesforce, the result shall be displayed in Object tab. To view how the app will respond , go to Result tab and click on Results Test.
You've now successfully created and tested a method that reads contact information from your Salesforce account using SOQL query. Now let's set up other steps .
On the Intent tab, click on Add New Intent and fill in following details.
Next step is to create slots. Slots are used to read user inputs. In this case we are creating slot to read firstname parameter from the user.
On the Slots tab, click on Create New Slot.
Utterance are words spoken to launch specific intents. In the top menu tabs, select “Utterance” and select “Create New Utterance”. Now input or select the following and click on Save.
On the Input tab, click on Create New Input and provide following details.
Once the Input is created, let's manage parameters for it. Click on Manage Parameters and then Add New Parameter.
Add a parameter corresponding to the slot we created in previous step. Add following details and Click on Save.
Now that we've completed all the set up processes, let's publish this app to Alexa.
On the publish tab, click on Add App Publishing.
External App Name: Salesforce Contact Finder. (This will be the name of the skill in Alexa. Therefore, make it unique and different from the names of your other skills in Alexa.)
Skill Type: Search
Channel: Alexa
Skill Invocation Name: Salesforce contacts. (This will be what users say to launch your skill in Alexa. It must be in lower case alphabets cannot contain START, BEGIN, STOP, EXIT, LAUNCH and cannot contain number or special characters.)
Optional: Replace all placeholder values in all “Message”. Uncheck all the settings shown in the second image below.
Click: Save.
Once the publish profile is ready, click on Action button and click on Publish to Alexa.
On the Alexa skill page, ensure “Full Build Successful” message is shown in bottom right corner before starting to test skill.
Go to “test” tab in the top menu, then below “test” tab change the skill test status from “Off” to “Development”.
Invoke skill by typing the invocation name (salesforce contacts) inserted in the publishing step in Voiceworx. If the invocation is successful, your configured welcome message will be displayed in the developer console.
You have successfully completed building a SalesForce-Custom App.
Last updated