This method is used to fetch all the available fields for the specific Salesforce Object.
// Sample Response
"aggregatable": true,
"aiPredictionField": false,
"autoNumber": false,
"byteLength": 120,
"calculated": false,
"calculatedFormula": null,
"cascadeDelete": false,
"caseSensitive": false,
"compoundFieldName": "Name",
"controllerName": null,
"createable": true,
"custom": false,
"defaultValue": null,
"defaultValueFormula": null,
"defaultedOnCreate": false,
"dependentPicklist": false,
"deprecatedAndHidden": false,
"digits": 0,
"displayLocationInDecimal": false,
"encrypted": false,
"externalId": false,
"extraTypeInfo": "personname",
"filterable": true,
"filteredLookupInfo": null,
"formulaTreatNullNumberAsZero": false,
"groupable": true,
"highScaleNumber": false,
"htmlFormatted": false,
"idLookup": false,
"inlineHelpText": null,
"label": "First Name",
"length": 40,
"mask": null,
"maskType": null,
"name": "FirstName",
"nameField": false,
"namePointing": false,
"nillable": true,
"permissionable": false,
"picklistValues": [],
"polymorphicForeignKey": false,
"precision": 0,
"queryByDistance": false,
"referenceTargetField": null,
"referenceTo": [],
"relationshipName": null,
"relationshipOrder": null,
"restrictedDelete": false,
"restrictedPicklist": false,
"scale": 0,
"searchPrefilterable": false,
"soapType": "xsd:string",
"sortable": true,
"type": "string",
"unique": false,
"updateable": true,
"writeRequiresMasterRead": false
{record for another field},
{record for another field},…
Contact object has approximately 61 fields. This method will return those records, one record represents one field.