
GetSOQLQueryResult request type allows you to run Standard Salesforce Object Search Language (SOQL) query against your salesforce objects and fields. It is suitable for complex operations and is basically running your custom queries, getting desired results and then using them as input for your app.

Method Inputs


Method Inputs

Method Name

You can give any name. This name will be displayed in the methods list.


Request Type


Parameters: SQQLQuery

This is a standard Salesforce Object Search language (SOQL) query which you can use in different ways

e.g. SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName,Phone

FROM Contact

WHERE FirstName='John'

and LastName='Bond'

Method Output


Result Type

ListOfRecords (Auto Selected)

It indicates that the method can return one or more records

Record Limit

Numeric value (e.g. 10)

If Method is returning larger number of records, then you can limit this result by providing this value.

Sample Response:

// Sample Response
 "attributes": {
 "type": "Contact",
 "url": "/services/data/v47.0/sobjects/Contact/0032w000002GFOVAA4"
 "Id": "0032w000002GFOVAA4",
 "FirstName": "John",
 "LastName": "Bond",
 "Phone": "(312) 596-1000"

Method Result


Record JsonPath

Each method returns data in json format and to pick any specific information from the json, we need to specify the Record JsonPath so Voice Worx platform will pick that data in consideration while displaying results.

Example: $.[*]

This selects all the records that is returned

Empty Result Template

When the method does not return any data, this response will be generated. So we can specify something like:

“Sorry, I could not find the contact details”

Record Template

"type": "Contact",

"url": "/services/data/v47.0/sobjects/Contact/0032w000002GFOVAA4"


"Id": "0032w000002GFOVAA4",

"FirstName": "John",

"LastName": "Bond",

"Phone": "(312) 596-1000"


In this example, Phone is at root level and can be accessed by {{Phone}}

So record template can be written as

Phone number of {{FirstName}} {{LastName}} is {{Phone}}

So, when a method is executed, this will be displayed as,

Phone number of John Bond is (312) 596-1000


Anything written in between {{ }} is represented as a json field and it’s case-sensitive.

{{Phone}} is not same as {{phone}}

Result Template

This indicates how method results should be represented.

Here you go, {{Records}}

Here, {{Records}} represents one or more records separated by a separator.

Last updated

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